Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Look Up !

As Christians, we sometimes say we want to be on the mountain.
We don't want to be down in the valley.

The mountain represents a time when we are at our best.
Things are going great, no problems to weigh us down.

But the valley represents a time of being at our lowest.
When we are going through troubles and our problems seem to be insurmountable.

But I got to thinking about the different view we have while in the valley,
versus when we are on the mountain top.

When we are at our lowest in the valley, we feel like we are on the
dirt,beneath the grass and the flowers.
Not even able to see our way out of our troubles.
We feel like everything is TOO BIG !

But all we have to do is LOOK UP !

We can see all the beautiful things God created for us to enjoy.
The flowers reaching for the sunlight.
The trees raising their branches in praise to God.
The leaves on the trees flowing in the wind.
The clouds floating by, collecting moisture to later provide rain for the earth.
The stars shining in the night.
And the Sun brightly warming the earth below.

The view from the mountain top seems endless.
But remember, almost all of the beauty you are seeing is in the valleys.
While on a mountain top, you cannot see the intricate beauty of a rose.
You have to be down close to the rose to fully enjoy the beauty of a single rose.
When on the mountain, you can see the large expanses below, but not the tiny details.

When we are on the mountain top, we don't usually stay there long.
You'll notice, most mountain tops are not that big.
But valley's can be miles long.
On the mountain, it is often hard to grow plants.
In the valley, plants, flowers, vegetables all grow in abundance.
There is rich soil in the valley.
In the spiritual valley, there is a richness available for us as Christians to grow, if we will be ready and open to God's word.

So, the next time you find yourself in a valley, Look Up !

There is SO much room to grow in the Lord !

There are SO many blessings in store for you !

There are SO many lessons to learn.

The possibilities are endless !

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Squeak, Squeak, Squeak

Squeak ! Squeak ! Squeak !

We are hearing that sound a LOT these days.

Timmy bought Loli a toy rubber hammer that squeaks.
She is a PRO at making it squeak !

Loli doesn't just squeak it once, or twice.
NO, Loli loves to make her squeaky hammer into a musical instrument !
She just keeps squeaking.

And if you are not paying attention to her, she will bring the hammer & put it on your lap.
She wants you to throw it down the hall for her.
She LOVES running after anything.

We have to put the squeaky hammer away at night. Or there would be NO sleep in our house.

Squeak ! Squeak !

Lap Dog ? I don't think so !

By the way, Loli thinks she is a lap dog.

I keep insisting that she is NOT a lap dog. Loli will come up to me & put her 2 front paws in my lap & TRY to kiss/lick me. (That's actually all she can get into my lap. And I have plenty of lap room, long legs.)That's when I start a serious conversation with a 50+ lb dog.

Talk about spoilt !

Monday, June 30, 2008

It's green, leafy & grows a foot a day !

It's KUDZU ! ! ! !

They say that kudzu can grow 7 feet in one week.

The back portion of our property is COVERED in Kudzu !
We would love to be able to use all of our property. We just got a dog, a Lab/Weimaraner mix.
Loli would LOVE to use the back part of our property to run & play.

In all honesty, we have not fought much with the kudzu in the last few years. Other than keeping it out of our grassy areas, we have pretty much let it run wild in the back part of our property.

In the past, the only thing that has worked has been "Bush Be Gone" or another type of chemical in the "Round-up" brand. But it takes SO much money and so much time.

Plus, I don't want to walk on the kudzu, there's no telling what might be UNDER it.
So we spray from just outside of it. Then by the time that section of kudzu has died, the kudzu behind it is catching up ! ! !

I've been looking for answers online for how to get rid of this green monster.
So far, there seem to be very few options.

  • Get a goat. (I don't think my neighbors would appreciate livestock, even in my rural subdivision)
  • Use the same kind of chemical we've been using, "Bush Be Gone" or another type of chemical in the "Round-up" brand. (expensive for large areas, and possibly dangerous to animals)
  • Burn it. (too dangerous in this drought)
  • Cut off the root crowns of the kudzu plant. (instructions below)
Quote from ehow:

The root crown of the kudzu is usually just below the surface of the ground. (By noting where the vine tendrils meet, you will locate the root crown.)

Cutting the root crown off has two important advantages. It will immediately and completely kill the kudzu and you can entirely avoid herbicides.

Burning as described above will prepare the area for removal of the root crown by making it evident where the root crowns are and by destroying the existing vines.

You do NOT need to burn the area to find the root crowns. Burning accomplishes easier location of the root crowns and the destruction of established vines.

You need to be sure to locate ALL of the root crowns, and also to remove all of the root crowns dug up from the area. They need to be destroyed as, if they are covered by ground in the future, they can eventually start growing all over again, and perhaps infest a new area.

Does anybody have any other suggestions ? I'd love any help you could give.

Well, unless someone has a better suggestion, I guess I better get out my cutters, trowel & gloves. Nothing else seems to help, and everything else seems to expensive or dangerous.

Wish me luck !

We have added a new member to our family

We got a dog ! !

Our son, Jarrett, has been BEGGING for a dog for years. We have stalled him as long as possible. We told him we had to wait until we could afford to fence in our yard, maybe in a year or two after we possibly move. But when Loli became available, we just couldn't resist.

Loli is a Lab/Weimaraner mix. (I just LOVE Labs) She is almost 1 year old, already been fixed, and she is potty trained.

Loli's previous owners are my niece Amanda & her kids Cassie & John Robert. They just hated the thought of giving her away, but they just moved to a new apartment and animals are not allowed. When they realized they needed to find Loli a new home, they looked to family first. I had mentioned to my sister Linda that Jarrett would love to have a dog and that I love labs.
So, we all talked and decided that Loli needed us and we needed her.

Since Loli has been an inside dog for all her life, we are keeping her inside for right now. Eventually, we want to set up a trolley & cable system, or maybe an electric fence system.
At least for potty times, and possibly for long days when we might be gone. (I hate the thought of keeping a dog her size confined inside all the time or for long periods of time.) We want her to have the opportunity to run & jump & play without constraint. But right now, if she gets loose, she runs through the whole neighborhood !

We have a little over an acre. Loli would LOVE to use the back part of our property to run & play, but Kudzu has taken over that part.

So far, Loli has not had any accidents ! She is such a good girl !

I love the personality of Labs. They are so sweet with children, and also protective, but not dangerous like some breeds can be.

Loli has already become one of the family, already spoiled rotten by her previous owners.
(we say that all 3 of us are spoiled (mom dad & Jarrett))
And Loli fits in another way too. She snores ! Just like the rest of us ! ! lol ! !

I'll add some photos soon.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Make your own soap

I have never done this before, but it sounds so interesting !

It reminds me of "Little House on the Prairie" or some of the pioneer type books I have read.

Of course, it was a LOT harder back then. Now we can make soap much easier, compared to then.
One day I would like to try to make my own soap.

If you were ever interested in how to make soap, check out this link at

Flour Sack Towels

Wouldn't it be great to reach into your kitchen towel drawer & find it full of inexpensive (possibly personalized) hand towels ?

Check out this idea that "Blissfully Domestic" had. . .
Flour Sack Towels

And you could even get them personalized by embroidery.

The possibilities are endless !

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Weight Loss Tips

Here are my favorite ideas that I use when trying to lose weight. (Especially after eating too much Pasta Supreme !)

Weight Loss Tips & Ideas

Aunt Bebee’s favorites

Kraft LIGHT mayonnaise (can’t stand Fat Free)

Hidden Valley Fat Free Ranch Dressing (OK)

Imitation Bacon Bits (practically free points) (regular bacon bits = points)

I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter

Molly McButter or Butter Buds

Dill Pickles (my favorite = Claussen in fridge section)

WW cookies & cream ice cream bars (2 points & BIG)

Fiber One - Chocolate (2 points my favorite) (lots of FIBER very filling CHOC)

Fiber One - Peanut Butter (3 points Carrie’s favorite)

Veg-all with 2 beef bouillon cubes (ZERO points)

Tuna with light mayo & 100 cal Ritz cracker pack (Very little points)

Campbells - Vegetable with beef stock (2.5 points for whole can I think)

(has noodles & potatoes in it)

Lean Cuisine - Chicken Club Panini (delicious) (around 7 points)

Deli meats (some prepackaged low in points) Turkey is lowest

Canola Spray - to spray on frying pan for eggs, etc.

Sour Cream - Lite

Cream Cheese - fat free

Tortillas - Wheat (fridge section near cheese)

(Heat tortilla for 30 sec in microwave, spread on some cream cheese, put 2 or 3 slices of deli

Ham, roll it up & eat or cut it into spirals & eat)

Campbell’s soups - Healthy Request

(Boneless skinless chicken cut into pieces, can of mushroom soup, small container of sour

cream, put all in baking dish, bake for 45 min to 1 hour. Delicious !)


Get yourself some LOW FAT OR FAT FREE cheese

(like cheddar, maybe some shredded or some slices)

Get 1% or Fat Free milk

Eggs - mostly eat the whites (just use 1 yolk if necessary for taste)

Eggbeaters are good.

Progresso Soup - I have heard they have some ZERO point soups. (not tried)

Loaf Bread - I get Natures Own ?? Whole Wheat. I think 1 point per slice

There is some kind of loaf bread that is 1 point for 2 slices

Beans are good for you. Some have ZERO points - green beans.

Some have few points, but good fiber - pintos, etc.





After shopping, get your sharpie marker & go ahead & mark everything, how many points for 1 serving.

If you purchase a bag full of something (like M & M’s or Kisses), divide & bag up by small portions for emergencies.

Dark chocolate has fewer points. (still not good, but better than milk choc) (plus has antioxidants)

Make sure to eat all your points for the day. (Otherwise your body will not have enough nutrition for your activity level & you will NOT lose. That is what they say)

Most people do better if they plan their meals & snacks ahead.

If I don’t plan, I may get hungry & make a bad decision. & eat too much too.

Regular meals & snacks keep your body from getting too hungry.

Sometimes when you think you are hungry, you are actually thirsty. Try WATER.

Personal thought. If I am craving something (really strong), it is better to allow myself a small portion, than to deprive myself. I might lose control & eat a ton of it the next day, or later.

If you have a bad day, DON’T GIVE UP. Just start again fresh at your next meal.

No need to give up for the day, the next meal is another chance to do good.

ALSO, if possible, exercise to work off some bad points.

Don’t assume something is good for you. Check the points. It may surprise you !

Don’t assume something is bad for you. Check the points. It may not be as bad as you think !

If you have a favorite recipe, consider what you could change to make it healthier.

Pasta Supreme

This is my favorite recipe to take to dinners and reunions.

Pasta Supreme


2 boxes of Curly noodles

3 cans 10 oz of chicken (white)

1 extra large bag of Mozzarella cheese

4 packets of Hidden Valley Ranch

4 cups of Mayonnaise

2 cups of Milk

Boil water. Open canned chicken & pour the broth into the boiling water (this makes the noodles taste better). Add noodles to boiling water. Put canned chicken into microwavable bowl & warm it up.

Drain noodles. THEN mix the Hidden Valley Ranch packet(s) with mayonnaise & milk. (the directions say 1 cup may & 1 cup milk, but I only use 1 cup mayo & ½ cup milk. Too much milk makes it too liquidy.) (Wait till noodles are done before mixing, because the Ranch will set thick if it has to wait long.)

In a baking dish, mix ½ of all these ingredients: noodles, chicken, mozzarella cheese & add Hidden Valley Ranch. Mix well. Add more of all & mix carefully. (make sure the Ranch covers the ingredients well) You may not need to add all the noodles. Top with a sprinkling of mozzarella cheese. Bake until inside is bubbling & the cheese is melted.

It is best the next day. (the flavors have time to marinate into the noodles.)

This recipe will make (2) 9 x 12 pans of casserole (maybe more)


For an 8” x 8” square baking dish, use ½ to ¾ of the box of noodles & (1) 10 ounce can of chicken, 1 or 2 packs of Hidden Valley Ranch & mozzarella cheese.

Welcome !

Welcome to Aunt Bebee's blog !