Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Squeak, Squeak, Squeak

Squeak ! Squeak ! Squeak !

We are hearing that sound a LOT these days.

Timmy bought Loli a toy rubber hammer that squeaks.
She is a PRO at making it squeak !

Loli doesn't just squeak it once, or twice.
NO, Loli loves to make her squeaky hammer into a musical instrument !
She just keeps squeaking.

And if you are not paying attention to her, she will bring the hammer & put it on your lap.
She wants you to throw it down the hall for her.
She LOVES running after anything.

We have to put the squeaky hammer away at night. Or there would be NO sleep in our house.

Squeak ! Squeak !

1 comment:

jubilee said...

My husband loves labs and insists that one day we will be a lab family. Our daughter is extremely afraid of dogs, so I'm not sure how that will all work out.

Great ideas for WW. Drinking enough water is easy for me in the summer, but in the winter I sure do struggle. I need to get back on the bandwagon . . .

Love your header. The rose is beautiful.

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